

Wananga landing Wananga landing

Roman floor mosaic

20 November 2023

Syrian, 5th or 6th century CE
Purchased, 2000
H 115cm, W 164cm
JLMC 187.00


This section of a Roman floor mosaic depicts a powerful hunting dog in action. The dog is short-haired with a long bushy tail and appears to be in motion, with ears erect. It is likely that the dog was part of a larger scene, possibly of hunting fields or a scene from the amphitheatre.

Hunting was regarded as an appropriate and heroic pastime for the ruling classes and was often represented in art. In ancient Greece, hunting formed part of the military training of elite boys. It was thought to develop the physical skills necessary for battle, and it also encouraged comradeship, fortitude, perseverance and the cunning required to outfox prey.

Roman floor mosaic
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